Restaurant: +27 (0)11 805 3040 OR Club Office: +27 (0)11 805 3039 (Please note this is diverted to Cell No: 083 412 0161)
Restaurant: +27 (0)11 805 3040 OR Club Office: +27 (0)11 805 3039 (Please note this is diverted to Cell No: 083 412 0161)
The Skittling Club Johannesburg was founded in 1976 when the existing skittling alleys were moved from Wynberg to the new premises at Vorna Valley, where we have been ever since. In about 1981 the members of the Skittling Club applied all their various skills in helping to upgrade the surface and gave it a great new appearance and life again. In those good old days we had 4 league categories from A to D who were playing league and cup games almost every day of the week! Sadly now the membership has declined, as seems to be the case with most of the Clubs these days, but we are proud that we currently still have 8 teams consisting of some 40 members enjoying this great pastime of fun.
Not only are the members getting on in age, but the alleys are also showing their proud age. This however has never discouraged us at all, but 2013 finally brought a turnaround as we were fortunate in being able to give the alleys a total overhaul with new surfaces, new balls and skittles as well as other essential parts. This major renovation again was carried out by our own members, which shows the camaraderie and dedication we enjoy in our Club! Apart from the regular league and cup games played throughout the season, we also have some individual challenges and social events with the season finale every year being the traditional Fernkegeln. This game is played simultaneously against expats who are now back in Switzerland and it is always finished off with a nice dinner for both teams.
Anybody who may be interested in joining our Club would of course be welcomed with open arms, as some teams are battling to keep the minimum number of players required for the league. One thing is for sure, an evening of Skittling will cost you a whole lot less than an evening of 10 Pin Bowling, so why don’t you contact our Chairman Gary on 082 887 7589 to discuss the prospects of becoming a Swiss Club and Skittling Club Member as well?